Deploying JHipster Apps to Heroku with Git
JHipster is a Yeoman generator used to create Spring Boot and AngularJS apps.
I’ve contributed improvements to a Heroku sub-generator for deploying a JHipster app as a prepackaged WAR file to the Heroku PaaS. But it’s also possible to deploy to Heroku using Git. The advantage of using Git is that Heroku will preprocess all Javascript files for you so you don’t have to do it locally.
Creating a JHipster app
To begin, make sure you have the JHipster dependencies installed. Then generate a new JHipster app (make sure you choose PostgreSQL for the database. I’ve included my choice for the other setup questions):
$ mkdir myapp/
$ cd myapp/
$ yo jhipster
? (3/14) Do you want to use Java 8? Yes (use Java 8)
? (4/14) Which *type* of authentication would you like to use? HTTP Session Authentication (stateful, default Spring Security mechanism)
? (5/14) Which *type* of database would you like to use? SQL (H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL)
? (6/14) Which *production* database would you like to use? PostgreSQL
? (7/14) Which *development* database would you like to use? H2 in-memory with Web console
? (8/14) Do you want to use Hibernate 2nd level cache? No
? (9/14) Do you want to use a search engine in your application? No
? (10/14) Do you want to use clustered HTTP sessions? No
? (11/14) Do you want to use WebSockets? No
? (12/14) Would you like to use Maven or Gradle for building the backend? Maven (recommended)
? (13/14) Would you like to use Grunt or Gulp.js for building the frontend? Grunt (recommended)
? (14/14) Would you like to use the Compass CSS Authoring Framework? No
Now you can get it ready for Heroku.
Preparing for Heroku
Create a Heroku account and install the Heroku Toolbelt.
Now run the sub-generator to prepare the application for Heroku:
$ yo jhipster:heroku
This will actually provision a new Heroku app, and deploy a WAR file to it. That’s not the goal of this article, but it will ensure that your app is prepared with a PostgreSQL database and some other things.
NOTE: It is very likely that the app will timeout during the boot process, and the app will fail to start. Heroku imposes a default boot-time limit of 60 seconds, and Spring’s auto-configuration takes up a good portion of that. Add to that Tomcat’s JAR scanning and booting under 60 seconds it tough. However, this is easy to remedy by simply asking Heroku Support to increase your boot timeout to 120 seconds.
When the Heroku app was provisioned, a Git repository was also created with a Git remote for Heroku. Before moving on, make sure you’ve committed everything to this repo:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Prepared for Heroku"
Now you can deploy to that Heroku Git remote.
Deploying with Git
Check that your Git repo has the Heroku remote by running this command:
$ git remote
Now, preare the remote Heroku application for JHipster by adding the Node.js and Java buildpacks:
$ heroku buildpacks:add
$ heroku buildpacks:add
Then define the Maven options such that the correct profiles are used:
$ heroku config:set MAVEN_CUSTOM_OPTS="-Pprod,heroku -DskipTests"
Now prepare the NPM configuration so that Heroku can use Bower and Grunt. Run this command:
$ npm install bower grunt-cli --save
Your package.json
now contains something like this (which you could also have added manually instead of running the npm
"dependencies": {
Next, add a Maven profile to clear some unneeded build-time dependencies from the slug.
Add this code to your pom.xml
in the <profiles>
Now add the package.json
and pom.xml
changes to Git by running these commands:
$ git add package.json pom.xml
$ git commit -m "Update for Heroku Git"
Finally, deploy with Git:
$ git push heroku master
Heroku will install Node.js, NPM, Bower and Grunt. Then Maven will execute and preprocess your Javascript assets.
You can view your app by running this command:
$ heroku open
If you have any trouble, reach out to Heroku Support.