Integrating Firebase with Heroku to Send Custom Notifications

Google’s Firebase Realtime Database makes a great backend for mobile apps. It can sync data across clients in realtime, and remains available when your app goes offline.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Managing Users in an Android App with Stormpath and Heroku

In the previous post, you learned how to add a database to your backend service and consume it with Retrofit in an Android app. But you exposed the services without any authentication or authorization. In this post, you’ll learn how to protected those services and add a complete user mangement system to your app with Stormpath.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Using Database-backed RESTful Services on Heroku with Android

In my last post, you learned how to invoke a service from an Android app with Retrofit. Now you’ll extend that example to consume RESTful JSON-based services that are backed by a database on the server.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Creating Backend APIs for Android Apps with Heroku and Retrofit

This post walks you through the process of creating a backend server API for an Android app, running that API on Heroku, and invoking it from Android with Square Retrofit.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Memory Logging with the Heroku Java Agent

The Heroku Java Agent is a lightweight tool you can attach to a running Java process to log heap and non-heap memory usage. It is a simple, but powerful reporting mechanism that can provide essential information at critical moments.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Creating Java TrustStores and KeyStores from Environment Variables

Java apps have traditionally managed TrustStores and KeyStores as regular files on the filesystem in JKS format with keytool. This mechanism was fine when the state-of-the-art in system administration required copying files from server to server. But in the era of the cloud, our apps need a better system.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Customizing JRuby Cipher Suites

A flurry of security vulnerabilities in the last couple of years have accelerated the deprecation of many cryptographic protocols and cipher suites. As a result, you might have run into this error if you use JRuby:

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Using SSL with the Postgres JDBC Driver

The PostgreSQL JDBC Driver defaults to using an unencrypted connection. At Heroku, this presented a problem when we decided to move certain database types to dedicated single-tenant instances. Our hope was to improve performance for our customers without them needing to change a single line of code. But the new database instances required an SSL connection, which meant our customers would need to adjust their database configuration before we could migrate them.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Improving Java Start-Up Time

The performance of the JVM can’t be beat, unless you’re talking about its start-up time. The JVM isn’t known for being fast to boot, and many application frameworks have only made the situation worse.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Running ClojureScript Apps on Heroku

In this article, you’ll create a simple ClojureScript application with Leiningen, Figwheel, Om and a few other libraries from the Chestnut template. Then you’ll learn how to deploy that application as an Uberjar to Heroku.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Deploying Gradle Apps to Heroku with Docker

In this post, you’ll learn how to deploy a Docker-based Gradle application to Heroku using the Heroku Docker CLI. We’ll use a simple Ratpack app as an example, but you can follow along with any Gradle application. This is a Mac and Linux guide only (until Docker supports docker-compose on Windows).

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Deploying Clojure Apps to Heroku with Docker

In this post, you’ll learn how to deploy a Docker-based Clojure application to Heroku using the Heroku Docker CLI. We’ll use the Immutant Feature Demo as an example, but you can follow along with any Clojure application as long as it uses Leiningen to build an uberjar. This is a Mac and Linux guide only (until Docker supports docker-compose on Windows).

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

A New JRuby Launcher

Updated: September 11, 2015. Please try this again with the new release!

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Testing JDK 9 EA with Heroku

You can test JDK 9 in just a couple of minutes by deploying any JVM-based app to Heroku.

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner

Asynchronous Request Processing with JRuby

Many Ruby developers have turned to Node.js because it allows them to do the kind of asynchronous programming that improves throughput, latency, and resource utilization. Its inherent non-blocking IO makes asynchronous request processing natural. CRuby doesn’t have a built-in async IO solution, but JRuby does!

Author's profile picture Joe Kutner